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Maharishi Ayurveda

Worry Free® Tea

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $12.00 USD
20 Tea bags
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Help calm your mind and emotions. Herb-and-spice tea blend formulated to help stabilize the emotions, calm the mind, and soothe frayed nerves; all-natural mint flavor.

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• Contains Ashwagandha, best known for its adaptogenic properties - helping the mind and body adapt better to stress.
• Cardamom is tridoshic (good for balancing all three doshas), but people trying to keep Pitta in balance should eat it in smaller amounts.
• Pepper is considered an important healing spice in Ayurveda. It has cleansing and antioxidant properties, and it is a bioavailability enhancer — it helps transport the benefits of other herbs to the different parts of the body. It helps the free flow of oxygen to the brain.
• In Ayurveda, cloves are considered to enhance circulation, digestion, and metabolism.
• Because it increases the ability to solve problems effectively, bacopa (brahmi) is often used in formulas to help relieve and prevent stress.
• Arjuna is helpful in balancing the emotions (Sadhaka Pitta).
• Compostable, Double-Chamber Tea Bags.
• Eco-friendly compostable tea bag paper made from all-natural pulp, the double-chamber design provides more surface area for better water circulation and fuller flavor!


Licorice (root), Peppermint (leaf), Spearmint (leaf), Arjuna (bark), Ashwagandha (root), Cardamom (fruit), Cinnamon (bark), Indian cardamom (fruit), Marshmallow (root), Pepper (fruit), Long pepper (fruit), Gotu kola (whole plant), Fennel (fruit), Bacopa (whole plant), Clove (flower bud), Greater galangal (rhizome).


Place one tea bag in one cup of boiling water and steep for 2-5 minutes. Enjoy with lemon, sweetener, or milk to taste.

Important: If you are pregnant or nursing, or have a known medical condition, consult your physician before taking this or any other dietary supplement.

Store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children.