Privacy Policy

Last updated: 08/06/2024

Here we describe the type of information we may collect from you or that you may provide us when you visit our website at (our “Website”), and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.

This policy applies to information that we collect: (i) on this Website; and (ii) in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and our Website.  But our privacy policy does not apply to information collected by us through third parties, including through applications or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from our Website. 

We rely on third party software and applications to process transactions, interact with customers online, and store customer information.  Those platforms include, but are not limited to, applications like Shopify, Klaviyo, Wishlist, Linnworks, and Yotpo  Each of those vendors disclose their privacy policies, including their opt-out procedures, and we encourage you to visit those third parties for information on their applicable policies which we hereby incorporate here.

We do not host individual account information locally in our offices or on local servers.  All individual account information is stored and secured through our third-party vendors’ servers and systems.

Please otherwise read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your information and how we will treat it.  By using this Website, you agree to this privacy policy.  We reserve the right to change these policies from time to time.  Please check this page periodically for updates. 

Our Website is not intended for children under 16 years of age.  No one under age 16 may provide any personal information to the Website.  We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16.  If you are under 16, do not use or provide any information on or through this Website through any of its features, register on the Website, make any purchases through the Website, use any of the interactive features on this Website, or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, email address, or any screen name or user name you may use.  If we learn that we have collected or received personal information from a child under 16 without verification or parental consent, we will delete that information.  If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 16, please contact us at (800) 255-8332.

The information you may provide to us includes:

  • Information that you provide by filling in forms on our Website or through interactive features of our site (i.e., customer service interface). Through interactive features on our website, we collect name, email, DOB, and information on consumer health interests. This information is stored and secured through our third-party vendors.
  • Records and copies of your correspondence (including email addresses), if you contact us, along with wellness check-ins/appointments, and wholesale sign-ups.
  • Your responses to surveys that we might ask you to complete.
  • Details of transactions you carry out through our Website and of the fulfillment of your orders. You may be required to provide financial information before placing an order through our Website. We collect credit card information, but we do not save your three-digit security code.  Most transactional data is received, processed, and collected through our third-party vendors (i.e., Shopify).

As you navigate through and interact with our Website, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns, including:  details of your visits to our website, including traffic data, location data, logs, and other communication data and resources that you access and use on the Website; and information about your computer and internet connection, including your IP address, operating system, and browser type.  We may also use these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or other online services.  We track cookies and customer behavior through those resources.  You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser.  Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our Website.

The information we collect helps us improve our Website and to deliver a better and more personalized service by:  presenting our Website and its contents to you; providing you with information, products, or services that you request from us; fulfilling your requests; improving your shopping experience; improving our products and services; and personalizing our product offerings, services, and marketing to you.

How We Share Your Information

We may disclose information collected from customers and users without restriction.  We may disclose the information we collect from you consistent with this policy:

  • To our subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • To contractors, service providers, and other third parties that we use to support our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.
  • To business partners and other third parties for a business purpose that we have approved, including co-branded offerings and to advertising partners. For example, we may exchange customer information with third parties for the purposes evaluating performance under commercial agreements between our company and other affiliated businesses, including referral agreements between Haveda and other health partners.
  • To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request.
  • To enforce or apply our Terms of Use, and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes.

Customers may opt-in to marketing emails and text messages and, once opted-in, may thereafter opt out of same.  If we have sent you a promotional email, you may opt out of that email list through the links provided in that transmission.

We do not control third parties’ collection or use of your information.  But those third parties may provide you with methods to opt out of information collected.  We are similarly not responsible for privacy policies of third-party sites or the content on sites that we link or direct you to.  We retain no control over the use or protection of information that you provide to third-party sites.

We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.  Our Website relies on third party vendors for that purpose, including Shopify. 

The safety and security of your information depends, in part, on you.  You should not share your private account information with anyone.  We will not email you with a request for private account information.  Should you receive an email purportedly from us seeking that information, please do not click or access any links contained in that correspondence.  You should verify your account information only through our Website directly.  Unauthorized attempts to access your information should be reported to us immediately.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure.  Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot (and do not) guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Website.  Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. 

To ask questions or comment about this privacy policy and our privacy practices, please contact us at: (647) 472-6274.

Your personal health, and the safety of your account and private information is our highest priority. Feel free to call us if you have any questions or comments.