Discover the power of the herbal blend that cleanses, detoxifies, and supports immunity. With ingredients like Katuki, Organic Phyllanthus, Tulsi, and Ashwagandha, it promotes overall well-being and a healthy stress response.To intensify the flavor, you can increase the steeping time slightly. Optionally, you can add honey, lemon, or another sweetener to your taste preference. Flavor profile: Mild bitterness and zesty taste.
• Cleanses: Katuki is known for helping protect and cleanse the liver.
• Detoxifies
• Regulates Digestion
• Relieves Stress
• Supports Immunity
Begin by boiling fresh water. Use about 8 oz (240 ml) of water per serving. Open the product packaging and remove one tea bag of Organic India Tulsi Cleanse Tea. Put the tea bag in a cup or mug. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, carefully pour it over the tea bag in the cup. Allow the tea bag to steep in the hot water for approximately 5-7 minutes. This time will help extract the flavors and benefits of the herbal blend. After steeping, gently lift out the tea bag using a spoon or the attached string.
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