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Pure Indian Foods

Indian Dessert Ghee

Regular price $7.99 USD
Regular price $15.99 USD Sale price $7.99 USD
7.8 oz
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Flavor has a slight hint of fennel and is subtly reminiscent of licorice with just a touch of cardamom and saffron. NO...GMOs, Added Salt, Preservatives, Trans Fats, Colors or Dyes, No MSG, No Flavor Enhancers.

Packed in glass.

Best before 12.01.2024

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Grassfed Organic Butter (made from non-homogenized whole milk from grassfed cows), Organic Fennel, Organic Cardamom, Organic Saffron. Contains: Milk.


• Stir nuts in melted Indian Dessert Ghee then roast in oven until toasted. • Spread Indian Dessert Ghee on toast. • Replace oil with melted Indian Dessert Ghee in banana or date nut bread recipe. • Top hot biscuits with Indian Dessert Ghee and honey. According to Ayurveda, ghee and honey shouldn't be mixed in equal quantity by weight. Since honey is a lot heavier than ghee, it is fine to mix them in equal parts by volume (for example, mix one teaspoon of ghee with one teaspoon of honey). • Make healthy chocolate candy: Melt a bar of dark chocolate, stir in a tablespoon of Indian Dessert Ghee, some dried blueberries, cranberries, and cherries and some unsweetened flaked coconut. Spoon into lightly oiled ice cube trays and freeze until firm. • Stir a tsp of Indian Dessert ghee into hot cooked cream of wheat; add toasted cashews and pecans and a just a bit of natural raw sugar. • Fry potatoes, sweet potatoes, or cubes of butternut squash in Indian Dessert Ghee.