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Maharishi Ayurveda


Regular price $20.00 USD
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8.8 oz
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Ancient ayurvedic formula that supports lung health, the respiratory system and natural immunity; a rejuvenative rasayana (tonic) to promote overall well-being

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• Boosts natural immunity • Rejuvenates the physiology & promotes overall well-being • Strengthens digestion & assimilation by promoting healthy liver function • Boosts memory, retention & recall


Organic amla/amalaki (fruit), Bamboo (silica), Long pepper (fruit), Cardamom (fruit), Indian cassia (leaf), Mesua (flower), Cinnamon (bark), Grape (fruit)*, Polygonatum verticillatum (root)*, Chebulic myrobalan/haritaki (fruit)*, Indian elecampane (root)*, Long pepper (fruit)*, Chinese pistachio (gall)*, Indian kudzu (tuberous root)*, Habenaria intermedia (tuberous root)*, Oroxylum (bark)*, Yellow-fruit nightshade (whole plant)*, Malay bush beech (bark)*, Blue wiss (whole plant)*, Tribulus (fruit)*, Uraria picta (whole plant)*, Microstylis wallichii (tuberous root)*, Indian tinospora (stem)*, Cardamom (fruit)*, Clerodendrum phlomidis (whole plant)*, Ashwagandha (root), Phyllanthus (whole plant)*, Zedoary (rhizome)*, Boerhavia (root)*, Waterlily (flower)*, Solanum anguivi (whole plant)*, Fragrant padri tree (bark)*, Three-lobe-leaf cowpea (whole plant)*, Leptadenia (whole plant)*, Cyperus (tuberous root)*, Fritillaria roylei (bulb)*, Sarivan (whole plant)*, Malabar nut tree (root)*, Martynia annua (fruit)*, Sandalwood (heartwood)*, Bael tree (bark)*, Agarwood (heartwood)*. Other ingredients: Sugarcane, Purified water, Organic ghee/clarified butter (milk), Raw honey. *extract


Take 1 heaping teaspoon twice daily, with milk or water.Important: If you are pregnant or nursing, or have a known medical condition, consult your physician before taking this or any other dietary supplement. Store in a cool and dry place, lid tightly closed. Keep out of reach of children.