Shilajit Benefits for Boosting Health & Vitality

Shilajit Benefits for Boosting Health & Vitality

Shilajit is a sticky, mineral-rich resin secreted from rocks in mountainous regions. It’s long been used in Ayurveda for its rejuvenating effects on the body, especially the reproductive system.

Shilajit is known as a maharasa (great vitalizer) and a rasayana (rejuvenating tonic) due partly to its youth-promoting properties. Its name means “the destroyer of weakness” in Sanskrit because of its strengthening and reinvigorating qualities. 

In addition to supporting healthy stamina, energy, and vitality, shilajit may help tonify the reproductive organs and support healthy libido.

This guide goes in-depth on shilajit, its potential benefits, and how to use it. The studies mentioned in this article suggest some remarkable benefits for the human body, but the dosage, duration, and subjects vary Remember to consult your healthcare provider before incorporating a new supplement into your routine.

Key takeaways

  • Shilajit is a rejuvenating resin that comes from rocks. It can potentially help increase your vitality and energy.
  • It’s been said to benefit the male and female reproductive systems, including promoting healthy libido and fertility.
  • Shilajit may also support urinary health, bone health, brain health, and detoxification.
  • It’s generally considered safe but may impact some conditions and medications.    

What is shilajit?

Shilajit is a resin—a sticky substance usually obtained from plants or trees. It’s unique because it comes from rocks, seeping out when environmental heat causes it to liquefy and detach from its source.

It’s gained attention from recent use by popular influencers and podcasters, such as Dr. Andrew Huberman.

Traditionally found in the Himalayan regions of India and Tibet, shilajit is now sourced from sedimentary, calcareous, and metamorphic rock in other countries around Asia and the Middle East.

According to a 2010 study, shilajit contains 84 beneficial minerals. These include:

  • Humic acids
  • Silica
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Fulvic acid
  • Lithium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Amino acids
  • Plant-based antioxidants

Shilajit is full of humic acids, with more than 80% of its weight made up of humic substances—organic molecules essential for plant growth and soil health. It’s also made up of about 20-30% fulvic acid, a compound that forms during decomposition. Both types of acid may help the body more easily absorb nutrients.

However, shilajit sourced from different regions may have variances in chemical composition.

Shilajit is suitable whatever your doshic type, though its slight heating quality may aggravate Pitta dosha. It contains four Ayurvedic tastes: pungent, bitter, salty, and astringent. These tastes lend themselves to shilajit’s warming, grounding, and detoxifying qualities. 

11 potential benefits of shilajit

Shilajit has many potential benefits, from helping boost reproductive health to promoting healthy cognition. Some modern evidence supports these benefits, but research is limited and often done on animals.

1. Urinary health

Shilajit is potent for the channels of the urinary system and is traditionally recommended for genitourinary health. Shilajit helps support the elimination process and encourages a healthy, regular downward flow, called apana vayu in Ayurveda.

A 2022 animal study found that shilajit significantly affected urine volume, pH, and excretion in rats, though this may not apply to humans. 

2. Reproductive health and fertility

Shilajit is mentioned in the Kama Sutra, an ancient Sanskrit text on eroticism, as a potent aphrodisiac. Known as vajikarana in Ayurveda, these traditional herbal tonics are said to give the user a “horse’s vigor.”

Shilajit, in particular, is believed to promote a healthy male and female reproductive system and, including proper function of the ovaries and testes, by reducing Vata dosha

For example, in a small 2023 clinical trial, 48 women of reproductive age took 200mg oral shilajit tablets twice daily for 60 days, while a control group took a placebo. The study indicated that shilajit may have promoted healthy sexual function in those who took it compared to those who didn’t. Likewise, an older 2010 study indicates that twice-a-day supplementation with shilajit for 90 days may have promoted healthy fertility among men. 

A 2023 cell study using pig sperm indicates that shilajit may support healthy sperm and aid in time to fertilization. However, it’s unclear whether these results could be replicated in humans. 

Shilajit also has a nourishing and replenishing effect on the tissues and plasma. Because of this, it can be used for support in the postpartum period.

3. Cognitive health

Shilajit has been found to promote healthy brain function and potentially promote cell growth, making it a candidate for supporting mind and memory.

4. Bone health

Due to its high mineral content, shilajit is commonly used to support bone health.

In a 2020 randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 60 postmenopausal women, participants took shilajit daily for 48 weeks. The research indicates that those who received shilajit extract helped promote healthy bone structure.

Additionally, a 2022 review found that shilajit promoted bone mass health in cell, animal, and human studies.

5. Blood and heart health

The rich mineral content of shilajit makes it a potential tonic for blood health, known as rakta dhatu in Ayurveda.

Along with its unique soothing qualities, this suggests shilajit may promote healthy heart function, as indicated by a 2014 animal study where rats given shilajit showed improved markers of heart health.

6. Detoxification

Due to its antioxidant properties, shilajit encourages natural cleansing from excess Kapha dosha.

7. Healthy Aging

Shilajit is often considered a panacea (universal remedy) in Ayurveda. It’s said to promote long-term health, longevity, and vitality while giving the complexion a healthy glow. 

There may be some evidence for this. A small 2022 study suggests that supplementing with shilajit for 8 weeks supports collagen synthesis in healthy male adults. 

In addition, a 2019 study notes the rejuvenating properties of fulvic acid, a main component in shilajit, in helping elderly patients experience more restful sleep and increased appetite and energy.

8.Energy, strength, and immune function

As an adaptogenic herb, shilajit may help support adrenal function, increase energy levels, and improve resilience to stress. Research indicates that it may address the stressful effects of high altitude and promote healthy immune function. 

Shilajit may also support the capacity for muscle exertion, promoting healthy muscle mass. 

9. Healthy sugar metabolism and weight balance

When combined with a healthy diet and exercise program, Shilajit may help promote healthy sugar metabolism and weight balance. 

This may be due to its ability to promote a balanced metabolism. A 2020 animal study indicated that it has antioxidant properties and supported healthy liver function in rats given shilajit compared to the controls.

10. Gut health 

The natural fulvic acid content in shilajit has been shown to potentially promote good bacteria in the gut. However, most of these studies were done on fish rather than humans.

12. Nutrient absorption

In Ayurveda, shilajit is known as a yoga vahi—or “joining carrier”—due to its ability to deliver nutrients deep into the bodily tissues for optimum absorption. 

How to use shilajit: Dosage, side effects, and quality

Ayurveda recommends tasting your herbs when possible to get the most benefit from them. This means that taking shilajit as a tablet (rather than a capsule) or resin is ideal. It’s also possible to find shilajit as an extract and gummy, but these may not be as potent. 

Shilajit can be taken with ashwagandha for additional support for the male reproductive system and with licorice and shatavari for the female reproductive system. Both combinations can also be beneficial to the nervous system.

While it’s generally considered safe, Shilajit can interact with blood thinners, blood pressure medications, and diabetes medications. Likewise, it shouldn’t be used if you have certain conditions. These include:

  • Hypoglycemia
  • High uric acid levels
  • High iron levels
  • Blood disorders

Proceed with caution if you have an autoimmune disorder or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Shilajit side effects are most likely to occur if the dosage is too high. They may include:

  • Chest pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Dizziness
  • Hives
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Stomach pain

Safe doses of shilajit can be anywhere from 250-1,000 mg daily, but it’s best to work with a qualified practitioner to determine the appropriate dose for you. 

You should also get your shilajit from a reputable source to avoid potential contamination and toxicity from heavy metals, mold, fungus, and fillers. Additionally, some sources may harvest shilajit in ways that damage the local ecosystem. Banyan Botanicals is one reputable brand with sustainable practices. 


If you’re looking for a tonifying Ayurvedic remedy to support energy, vitality, and vigor in and out of the bedroom, shilajit may be for you. This revitalizing resin can help promote a healthy sex life, encourage tissue regeneration, and even support healthy brain function.

It’s important to work with a qualified practitioner when taking Ayurvedic supplements, including shilajit. A professional can help you determine the appropriate dosage and combination of herbs for you. 

For high-quality shilajit, explore our collection at Haveda. We source from trusted retailers so you can get the best that shilajit has to offer.


  1. What happens if you take shilajit daily?

Studies show shilajit may help promote healthy bones, sperm count, and brain function. It may also have antioxidant properties. However, there isn’t research on long-term use.

  1. What are shilajit side effects?

Shilajit side effects may include chest pain, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, dizziness, rapid heart rate, and stomach pain.

  1. Who should not take shilajit?

You shouldn’t take shilajit if you have blood disorders, hypoglycemia, or high uric acid and iron levels. Be cautious if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an autoimmune disorder.

  1. Which is better, ashwagandha or shilajit?

Shilajit and ashwagandha can benefit the male and female reproductive systems and support a healthy stress response. Shilajit is best used for bone, blood, and urinary health, while ashwagandha is best used for a calm mind and sound sleep, thyroid and adrenal health, and healthy joints and muscles.

Meet the Author Crystal Horshaw

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