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Revive Ayurvedic Body Scrub

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
6 oz
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Revive and invigorate spring season skin with this Kapha-balancing body scrub packed with vitamin c and aloe vera. Lighter, gently warming oils, golden ghee, and Ayurvedic botanicals offer nourishing hydration, and help balance stagnation and heaviness, while organic cane sugar exfoliates for soft, supple skin.

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This Kapha dosha-balancing scrub helps reveal brighter skin and a natural, youthful glow with a refreshing lemon scent.

• Rejuvenate your skin during the spring months, or to assist in balancing lethargy and sluggishness associated with Kapha dosha.
• Exfoliate in the shower for smooth, supple skin and a radiant glow.
• Gently warming oils and organic golden ghee deeply nourish all the tissues of the body.
• USDA certified organic, non-gmo, nontoxic, cruelty-free, made in the USA.


Sesame seed oil, sunflower oil, cane sugar, Farmtrue ghee, rosehip seed, lavender, rosebuds, vitamin e, aloe vera, lemongrass essential oil, neem, rosemary essential oil, calamus root, calendula, cardamom, chamomile, eucalyptus, holy basil tulsi, lemon balm, rosemary, holy basil essential oil. All organic ingredients.


In the shower, gently rub a small amount of the scrub on your skin to exfoliate and hydrate. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the oils to penetrate into your skin. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Be sure to clean any oil off the shower floor to prevent slipping.